At the outset of this course I was faced with what seemed to me, to be a multitude of insurmountable difficulties.
My Asus Laptop bought brand new in March 2008, had already spent one quarter of it's life being repaired and rebuilt, and I was unable to properly utilise it until week 3 of the Study Period.
An incredible set-back for a course that is 100% internet-based.
I have two other desktop computers but they were equally useless to me:
- I have a computer in my studio, solely for my teaching work. Internet capable, but with not enough working or storage space or memory: I type curriculum/syllabus notes, newsletters, References (for students applying for scholarships etc), stage plans for performances and other teaching applications on it.
I tried to use this but due to the sluggishly slow speed, it was a total waste of time.
- I have my main computer in my bedroom. It hosts the Telstra broadband system which allows internet access to the other 2 networked computers in the house. However, Norton Anti-virus won't let it display anything...I need to get a technician in but haven't had the time.
Even my brother (who is meant to be very good at anything to do with computers) couldn't fix it - in fact, he actually made the situation worse!
Prior to the course commencing, my experience browsing the World Wide Web had mainly included answering and sending emails, as well as occasionally searching for movie times, holiday destinations or airfares.
Internet access was largely a leisure activity that took up approximately 10 minutes at the end of my day.
While accessing the NET11 WebCt message board during the first month of studies, I came across many computer and internet terms that were not only unfamiliar but alarmingly alienating.
I felt very uncomfortable with not just the course notes, but also the tasks that needed to be completed.
I'm not ashamed to admit that this is the very first time I have ever felt 'out-of-my-depth' in anything, and that it felt extremely unnerving!
Just over 40 years of living a life that has been massively unchallenging...until now.
I had two options: leave/move on or stay and try (I was going to type 'fight' because that's how it felt at the time, but it was only a fleeting state of mind).
There is no way that I would ever leave anything because it was difficult.
Unfortunately, I have left Uni 3 times before due mostly to immaturity: an overseas backpacking trip sounded like a better deal, then work seemed more important, and finally, my health messed things up.
I couldn't let that happen again!
To my surprise, what kept me going back to the WebCt, and one of the reasons I conscientiously strove to discover the bits, pieces and connectors that were missing in my Net11 curriculum comprehension...was the fantastically supportive and inspirational environment that our tutors Cynthia and Peter nurtured.
This environment allowed the students to relax and open their minds to the possibilities that were available to us (albeit mostly and tantalisingly - out-of-reach!) if we attempted the tasks.
We didn't have to complete anything to perfection, just try out the tasks and blog our experiences - warts and all!
As a consequence, the entire community that was fostered over the Christmas/Festive season, was one of hope, encouragement, and most importantly, humour :)
I know that I still have a very long road to travel, but for me, life is only worth living if you are continually learning, helping others to learn, and utilising the skills you have learnt.
Today, I feel that NET11 has helped me to achieve a 'Personal Best' in terms of being able to understand my own computer capabilities, maneouvre around the internet and find information (even if it requires several attempts - but this is improving), download programs, contribute positively and in a manner that promotes the enhancement of a supportive online community.
Recording my findings and reflecting on them has been intrinsically valuable for both helping to formulate ideas as well as utilising them in my internet forays.
Thank you Peter for helping us with the opportunity to start a blog and the encouragement to keep going.
As I have already mentioned, I still have a very long road to travel.
More than that however, I need to find the road that I will be travelling on...there are so many options that are appealing at this stage!
The course content was extremely foreign to me at the beginning of December.
Although I now feel I understand the NET11 curriculum, I am still unsure that I have the technological aptitude required to pursue this pathway to its completion.
I am looking forward to the first day of NET12 on March 2, and hope that doing another course in this area will help me to discover if this is merely a brief moment of consciousness...or if I was truly meant to be here :)
Thank you once more to the students and tutors of NET11 for helping me to learn so much in such a short time.
Wherever my studies may take me,
\0/My life will always be richer
for the time I spent here with you\0/
From the album 'Lead Me On'
(Amy Grant)
NB (From Tessa) This is one of my favourite songs of all time: the lyric-line inclusion was not intended in a romantic way (as I believe the words of the song were originally intended)...I just felt it fit this post perfectly :)