Monday, February 9, 2009

Net Studies Index - the new Discussion Board

Today I joined the 'other' Discussion Board called netstudies.

The posts look very different, and more like personalised blog posts:

I'll put a photo here when my computer is back to's freezing on me and sometimes flickering...yesterday, I clicked on a stored favourite from my list...and window after window kept appearing - I counted over 40 that popped up!

Not only did I get alot of windows (the effect was like when the cards all flip across the screen once you've won Solitaire), but the computer wouldn't switch off.


At the moment it's pot luck as to whether I can open a new window.
Hopefully it's not a virus again!

In the meantime, please enjoy a manually (Ctrl c / Ctrl v) pasted transcript of my first post (which btw, is in technicolor on the new board)...I can no longer even 'right click' to copy and paste (yes, my laptop has a mouse attached due to my arthritis).

Fingers crossed X it's not a virus X

TessaGJoined: 09 Feb 2009Posts: 3Karma: 0Location: Sydney NSW Australia
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:14 pm Post subject: Hi and Welcome \0/

Hi everyone - I like the options for posting on this board!!! and how you can add pictures or a YouTube link...but I'm not sure if I should as the links (pictures and YouTube) would be my preference and not related to the course at all...possibly a waste of everyone's bandwidth. Do let me know if you want some pictures and images though - I can offer you a short promo from the late 80's of a marching band I used to be in when I could march (yep, totally thrilling), and a photo montage to a 3 minute excerpt of the concert band I currently perform with (doubly exciting). Okay. I'll stick to the colour, size, font options. Looking forward to reading everyone's new posts TessaG (Teresa Gutierrez from the WebCt) NB Below is a totally random poll which I'm doing purely to test it out - but please contribute if you can Hope it shows and is formatted correctly...