Is this bogus or what????
By the way, when you click on the W3C Validator, it takes you to a page that says it could not find the URL - I'm sure this is because the WebCt is behind a firewall.
My main concern though, is if it was this easy to download the W3C Validation Icon - how many other "Bogus" pages are out there?
Does anyone police/regulate this?
My other concern, is that the major problems were with an http:// link that I merely copied and pasted - I didn't write the html code for it!

A Problem I am currently experiencing, is that when my page is expanded to fill the whole computer screen, it shows four copies of the background photo - instead of just one that fits into the entire screen.
Unsure how to fix this.
May have to post my question onto the board.
Thanks to Amy, I was able to fix my page by centering the photo *and* I was able to remove some html text that had been placed inside my title section - thank you \0/
I also worked on my other photo uploads, and was able to add some html tags underneath words...which worked :)
All that I have left to do, is validate my page...more searching required here, as I must have glossed over that section/not understood I have no clue where to go!
That will be today's task.
Meanwhile, enjoy the 4 photos I took of my finished page \0/ Woohoo!!!
This post will be updated as I progress further with my html page.
Please stay tuned :)
Please stay tuned :)
Really glad I could help! I hope you had a great weekend! :D